Sept. 2, 2016 • contact: Brigitte Zigelhofer
Sept. 2, 2016 • contact: Brigitte Zigelhofer
BUSINESS GIVES DONATION TO HELP FEED SCHOOL CHILDREN LAS CRUCES---Organ Mountain Outfitters of Las Cruces will present a check for $1,000 to the Las Cruces Public Schools (LCPS) during a presentation at Sonoma Elementary School, 4201 Northrise Drive, at 10:30 a.m., on Friday, September 2. The donation by business owner Chris Lang is a result of the Organ Mountain Outfitters’ mission to help families that are experiencing financial hardship and need assistance with paying for school lunches. Lang said his business plans to donate 10 percent of the proceeds from the sale of Organ Mountain Outfitters’ t-shirts. The donation will be provided to the LCPS Nutrition Services Department.
“Organ Mountain Outfitters is committed to our community and we want to give back in a way that we are able to,” stated Lang. “This donation would not be possible if it wasn’t for the people of Las Cruces who recognize and understand this need in our community. We are humbled that people are committed to our cause and wear our message proudly every day — ‘Buy a shirt. Give a lunch. Change our community.’”
The initiative will support families that are already eligible to receive reduced-price lunches which cost 40-cents, said Nancy Cathey, director of LCPS nutrition services. Hundreds of families do not meet the income threshold for free meals at school, and sometimes they need assistance to pay for the reduced-price option.
“This program is perfect for the many families that are struggling to make ends meet,” Cathey said. “For just 40 cents a day, one child at the Las Cruces Public Schools can have their lunch taken care of,” Lang said. “Organ Mountain Outfitters has already sold 500 shirts towards this cause and $2.00 from every shirt helps feed a child for an entire school week. This donation kicks off what I hope will become a long-standing effort to help our kids.”
Organ Mountain Outfitters is a new company of photographers and designers that started in Las Cruces, New Mexico. For additional information, contact Lang at Organ Mountain Outfitters: www.organmountainoutfitters.com or Brigitte Zigelhofer, LCPS community outreach liaison at 575-527-6014 or bzigelho@lcps.net.

1 comment
Thank you for giving back not only to our community but to the kids, our future.
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