KVIA ABC 7, LAS CRUCES, New Mexico - The Organ Mountain Outfitters website promises that with every purchase made, it will help feed a Las Cruces Public Schools (LCPS) student for a week.
Two weeks ago, the company presented a $1,000 check to LCPS Nutrition Services Department at Sonoma Elementary. The money will go to the reduced-price lunch program at LCPS.
"It hits close to home. When you're born into poverty and live in poverty, you generally repeat that same cycle and I just want to be part of the solution," said Chris Lang, the outfitter's founder. Lang told ABC-7 he grew up on the reduced lunch program.
Organ Mountain Outfitters has already sold 750 shirts. Two dollars from the purchase of every shirt goes towards feeding a child at LCPS.
Nancy Cathey, the executive director of operations for the LCPS nutrition program, is thankful for the program. "Organ mountain outfitters is thinking about us and our students and supporting them, because we all believe that kids who eat learn better. So, we will have better academics in our schools," Cathey said.
If you are interested in buying a shirt to help this cause, you can visit the outfitter's website. www.organmountainoutfitters.com
Copyright 2016 KVIA. All rights reserved.
Author: By ABC-7 Reporter Stephen Decatur
Published On: Sep 12 2016 04:34:39 PM CDT
Updated On: Sep 12 2016 08:43:02 PM CDT
Organ Mountain Outfitters + Helping Raise Money for LCPS Reduced Lunch Program
By Organ Mountain

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